divendres, de juny 18


Feeling depressed...
Wanting to cry...
Asking myself why has it all end up like this?

No work.
Probably no teaching next year.
Probably no children. - No innocent smiles. - No sweet stories to be told...

Heart broken.
Soul covered in tears.

I wish... I just wish I could have done things differently.

2 comentaris:

ReGiNa ha dit...

Not all is lost. Be patient, the future is sure to brighten up!
:D kisses

Anònim ha dit...

Mira que no voler tenir aquesta immensa professora al seu equip.

No et vull veure desanimada!! No voldria pas perdre el teu gratificant somriure!!

Una abraçada combativa per a seguir lluitant.

Albert Garcia